Przemek B.
profile picture
some random guy from the internet

About me

I'm Przemek, a something-year-old programmer from Poland, also known as kisielo85.

My passion for programming began when I was 12, and got my hands on a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 set.
Building robots was a lot of fun, but turned out that I enjoyed programming them just as much.

In 2017 I started making simple batch scripts, followed by learning C++, Javascript and a bunch of other stuff necessary to bring my ideas to life.

Creating software is still my biggest hobby. I do it when I think the result will be useful, fun, or to experiment with new contepts and ideas.

If you'd like to collab on some project, or just talk about computer stuff, feel free to contact me on discord: @kisielo85

photo of kisielo85

Led display

6x6 display, made with Arduino UNO and some cardboard

it was a great learning experience on multiplexing

instagram post